Sacrifice and The 80-20 rule – The Self Defense Company

Sacrifice and The 80-20 rule

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      SACRIFICE are you in the top 20 or the bottom 80?

      Sacrifice = Giving up something of lesser value for something of greater value.

      The 80-20 rule.
      Out of 100 people, 80 will fail and 20 will succeed.
      80 will not follow through, 20 will.
      80 will not be on time, 20 will.
      80 will promise, 20 will deliver.

      When I was 12 years old, I was asked a question that I have heard a hundred times since then, 100 different ways.

      During a wrestling camp, the instructor asked “Who wants to be a champion?” Of course, everyone put their hand up. Then he asked, what are you willing to sacrifice in order to become a champion? Are you wiling to practice an extra hour after everyone has gone home? Will you get up at 5:30 am to to run before you go to school? Will you stay home on the weekends when your friends and your girl friends are begging you to go?

      Well, as you can imagine, the hands weren’t raised as high as they once were.

      As an instructor I always hear a variety of reasons someone can’t train. All of which are related to time and money. Some have to work, some have to study, some have to spend time with their family and others just say they can’t afford it.

      The obvious answer when given a choice to spend time with your family or train is family. But, this direct sacrifice is not the case. It is only a rational for the real reason, it becomes an inconvenience. Upon further examination you will see that all setbacks, no matter how severe, are only temporary. Yes there are exceptions but they are few and far between.

      My next questions are what you really need to ask yourself honestly and truthfully: Do you go out to dinner? Go to the movies? Go to the bar? Rent movies? Drink, smoke? Go on vacation? Or any other number of distractions that people waste their money on?

      Because if you asked yourself the REAL question on the table, would you rather, drink, smoke, dine out, rent and go to the movies instead of train, how proud will you be of you answer?

      Do you have class and work every day and night of the week? Do you work weekends? Do you watch TV, take a lunch hour or sleep in? How often do you spend surfing the internet.

      Listen, if you were spending all of your time working and studying and doing activities with your family- YOU WOULD NOT BE THINKING ABOUT SELF DEFENSE. If all you did was sleep, eat, work with little or no spare time- you would not think about training.

      I can not afford and Aston-Martin. Therefore, you will not see me in the dealership unless I’m in the market. if you can’t truly afford ANY service or product, please don’t waste that person’s time.

      The real reason for not training 99% of the time is that it becomes and inconvenience. 80% of the people will quit, 20% of them will find out a way to make it work.

      There are two types of people… people who look for ways to make it all work and people who look for excuses for it not to work. It’s no coincidence that 80% of the people who contact me are looking for a reason NOT to train and 20% of them are looking for a place to train.

      There is another New Year upon us, where will you be…80 or 20?

      Damian Ross

      PS. If you found this article a little harsh, there is a good chance you’re in the 80, not the 20.

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