SDC Welcomes Mike Mitchell – The Self Defense Company

SDC Welcomes Mike Mitchell

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture SDC Welcomes Mike Mitchell

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      Self Defense Company Appoints West Pointer to Director Position

      Saddle River, New Jersey- September 18th, 2009. The Self Defense Company announced today the appointment of Michael Mitchell as the Director of Military Affairs. As director Mr. Mitchell will oversee operations between Self Defense Company Resources and Military and Large Corporations. According to Mr. Mitchell, this is something he’s passionate about. “Survival in the face of violence is a priority to every living soul on the planet. The success in the face of violence for citizen and soldier alike is training. The Self Defense Company provides this training like no other organization.”

      The Self Defense Company provides resources for all aspects of conflict resolution, prevention, contact and cure.”Most people think of Self Defense as violence on violence or fighting. What attracted me to the Self Defense Company is its complete approach to conflict: prevention, solution and cure.”

      Part of Mr. Mitchell’s responsibilities will be informing the public of what resources are available. “There are a lot of myths and misconceptions when it comes to use of force laws, victims rights and prevention resources. We are working on a comprehensive public overview on these topics to be released in the next several weeks.”


      Mike Mitchell earned his bachelor

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