stick/club use: You guys tell ME – The Self Defense Company

stick/club use: You guys tell ME

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    • #10189

      One, Dam..ok you mguys tell me if you think I am wrong here. I have only used a stick on someone like this once-and it worked So it’s damn hard to shake it out of me. Even though I may be narrow-minded.

      First of all-Kali-Eskrima sucks. The way I have SEEN it taught. The people around me who teach what is called FMA; THEIR stuff….it is BS. A myth. This is duelling. I am sure it worked for the Fillipino people at one time. But the P.I. is a duelling culture. Two guys who are mutally and equally armed with like-weapons go at it. It is the lethal version of sport-fighting. But also, most of the time they go at it in training with these light-ass rattan sticks. Now what they mostly do is snapping moves. Some full swings but mostly what WE did was wack the guy in the leg–and recoil, retract the stick back where it came from. Hurts like a sumbitch. Leave welts. But no damage.

      You know the Dog Brothers? Sure ya do. These guys meet once a year at the “Gathering of the Packs” and go at it with rattan sticks real time. They can cuts on their bare legs and gauches on their heads. It’s sick man. But I gotta say, ballsy! They’re crazy but tough. Thing is, what you DON’T see is anyone laying on the ground due to broken bones because some c****sucker decided to take an oak stick or bat and do a full on, full-follow-through swing. The kind that breaks bone. And..let me say..I HOPE not! That would’nt win my respect. That ain’t ballsy. Thats stupid.

      But thats it. You use a light stick the way Kali teahces you and you’ll just piss someone off. But heres the thing, when I myself go to use a “stick” or an impact weapon…especially a baseball bat; I DON’T swing! No, I “ramrod” the thing! Or if you like, I use it bayonette-style. I just hold the sucker with twoi-hands and ram that business end straight in (with a slight small circle) to his face, throat, solar it! I crush it! Now I used a bat likle this ONCE! ONLY ONCE. It worked. If I had more like an axe handle or a peice of rebar bout 2 ft long? Might swing it full force. Maybe to the knees. Swing a bat like in Eskrima, it’s too damn clumsy! Unweildy. I ram in like I am caving in a castle wall. And, using a stick-weapon that manner puts me in such an aggressive mindet, that I still remember to kick, spit, let go with one hand and tiger-claw, rake, tear, hold him still…only way I’d use a stick. So far..

    • #11044

      My personal preference is a collapsable baton that is a alluminum/steel mix. I use the 12 points of attack and thats about it. Pretty simple stuff.

      I do like to use some basic Kali for building hand eye cordination but I dont get to complicated because I dont want to get that crap inbeded into my muscle memory.

      Taking the above into account I am not big into stabing. I am a more swing for the fences kinda guy and like a axe hand blow…what ever is in the way is good :D

    • #11045

      Also I have considered going to a Dog Meeting looks like good clean fun.

    • #11047

      LOL Whatevers in the way is good I like that !

      But, uhh, collapable batons n spring billies are legal here in L.A. brother. A felony even to own one. Them, saps, blackjacks and SAP gloves. Even kubatons are frownded upon. Silly. I mean what ya said about gun CONTROL actually makes sense to me. But this is nonsense.

      LOL And I guess I stab and thrust because I am much better at that than fancy Kali stuff. Yep, the Dog Bros DO make their Kali pretty fun and exciting. But, I must say, I DO like my Cold Steel Sjambok! And I usually don’t much like flexible weapons.

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