Strike before stomping – The Self Defense Company

Strike before stomping

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    • #10321

      In Module 1, the student is taught to strike before stomping forward to take ground. This is advised in order to bring more power from the strike into the opponent. Any suggestions for how to accomplish this more consistently, since stomping first or simultaneously with the strike would not be as effective?

    • #11344

      Keep in mind any good boxer does the same thing. His punch will hit before he settles all of his weight onto his foot.

      The following drill is in the training and drills of module 1 you’ll see s drill where I stick my arm out and “fall” in to the dummy. It helps for developing the drop step as well as training your body for the correct timing.

      For a right handed strike
      1. Stand about one large step (about 3 feet) away for and average size 5’8″ person.
      2. Hold your right hand out straight, palm facing the dummy
      3. Keep your feet planted and fall forward let your hand hit the dummy and then move your feet.

      This will start to train your body to let your hand move first.

      To generate maximum power in strike is quite simple.
      Maximum force you can generate into your target with maximum amount of body weight you can put into your target.

      Power is generate from force you can generate off the ground, through your legs and your hips and then focused through a specific striking body part.
      Add momentum from distance of strike. A long axe hand has more force than a short axe hand since you can wind up, recruit more body parts and travel a longer distance to build up speed.
      Finally, body weight. In a perfect situation you would have all of your weight focused at the point of contact of your strike.

      Mass x Acceleration = FORCE.

    • #11345

      Thank you. That is a helpful drill. You remind the student in Module 1 to remember to stomp before the 1st strike, especially, in a combination of strikes. When the subsequent strikes come very quickly after the first strike, there is hardly time to stomp again. I would imagine that when you are actually attacking and taking ground against an opponent who is on the defensive, you may have time to stomp again on subsequent strikes. Perhaps moving forward would make this possible. Using a BOB (dummy) that is stationary does not allow you to move forward. I’m wondering whether building and using the rolling platform for the BOB that is mentioned on another post would bring this added realism to training when practicing combinations.

    • #11346

      Check this out…

      https://martial-arts-self-defense.blogsp … /rack.html

      Its the rack on the old blog.

      Also the foot stomping comes in stages. Get comfortable with the strikes and then remind yourself to stomp. You’ll start to hit even HARDER.


    • #11352

      So in this context, would you advise I push myself off the ball of my rear foot to achieve speed and power, somewhat like a launching platform?

    • #11353

      YES!!! Just like a sprinter.

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