Teacher defending himself when attacked by a female student whom he just threw out of class. – The Self Defense Company

Teacher defending himself when attacked by a female student whom he just threw out of class.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Teacher defending himself when attacked by a female student whom he just threw out of class.

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  • Author
    • #10623
      Dallas Williams
    • #12712
      Dallas Williams

      So I know this teacher will get flamed by a lot of people for using force against this student since she was female but it’s very clear in this tape that she was attacking and trying to beat the shit out of him after he ejected her from class and she refused to leave and all he did was first use his foot then a desk to try to establish and keep some distance between her and him and get her back out of the room he didn’t hit her or even lay a hand on her. He should’ve kept using the desk to his advantage and keep pushing and thrusting at her with it and if she happened to grab it then start kicking at her legs until she was out the door then shut it and lock it behind him. Chairs, small desks, etc. are great tools and improvised weapons for keeping distance from and using offensively against an attacker whether they’re armed or not. Sad this is what our public education system has come to but it would be a damn shame if he looses his job because of this because he was clearly defending himself from this demented bitch.

    • #12713

      I agree he did what he could in that situation. What the hell is wrong with kids these days.

    • #12724

      The teacher provided EXTREME restraint. I like this guy’s commentary.

    • #12733
      Dallas Williams

      Yeah a lot of kids these days just don’t have any respect for authority or people in general and think nothing of assaulting a teacher just because they “piss them off”. And what’s rediculous is their parents who normally don’t give a fuck about them or who their with or what they’re doing suddenly get enraged and wanna press charges and file lawsuits against the teacher and school system simply because their kid was physically restrained or even hit because they were simply defending themselves from a nearly grown ass teenager who’s trying to beat them down. It’s something called natural consequences, you pick a fight with somebody whether another child your own age or even an adult, if you come up short you’re gonna get that well deserved ass kicking. Agree with this guy’s commentary 100 percent Laugh

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