Teaching a Seminar does not make you an Instructor – The Self Defense Company

Teaching a Seminar does not make you an Instructor

Home Forums Welcome to the Legion! Teaching a Seminar does not make you an Instructor

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      It is easy to come in for a day, teach a seminar and then leave. You can look like a rock star teaching a few techniques and hitting the road. But does that make you a good teacher or a good instructor?

      Learning is a process and it takes time. There must be a way to commit the techniques to muscle memory. This takes longer than a few hours or a few days. It usually takes a week or two to start seeing usable skill. This also depends on the person learning the technique and the complexity of the technique. Elite athletes typically learn faster than your average person.

      Learning how to teach to a wide variety of people takes time. Personally I have been coaching since I was 14. I started professionally coaching and teaching in 1990. It literally took me 10 years to really figure out how to implement essential techniques.

      Hey, I like showing up, showing a few cool moves and hitting the road. But the real kudos go to the instructors who dedicate weeks and months to preparing soldiers, civilians and athletes for battle or competition.

      I am always wary of the seminar master. It’s like a one night stand. It was fun and feels good, but it is forgotten and only talked about the morning after.

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