Textbook Knife Attack – The Self Defense Company

Textbook Knife Attack

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Textbook Knife Attack

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    • #10372

      Here’s a story I saw that looks to me like the classic knife assault:

      https://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-New … Manchester

      I was wondering on people’s take on what to do if you’re the guy with the knife to your throat.



    • #11489

      I have been sliced and diced 6 times in my past lives but I got to say this is a difficult one.

      The jugular is only a 1/4 below the skin is it ain’t gonna take much to open it and as I’m sure you know after that it is really only a matter of seconds, not minutes.

      To be honest I think I would of relied on my ability to remain calm (stress management) and worked my de-escalation skills, all the while attempting to make sure the SKEL don’t get to darn excited.

      Gee, you stomp him he cuts ya

      You go to elbow him he cuts ya

      Basically, you move he cuts ya.

      Talk about worst case scenarios, maybe the guaard should have paid a little bit more atttention to awareness. I mean big beanny, gloves, huge coat.

      I would have seen the guys coming at least.

      But good call, could be definte case of bladder relief…

    • #11492

      Module 8.

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