The CIA wants me DEAD! – The Self Defense Company

The CIA wants me DEAD!

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    • #10316

      On Mon 10/08/09 11:07 PM , Walter BXXXX sent:

      I tried calling you a number of times as well as emailing you but you never answered the phone or returned my email or returned my calls.
      Immediately after clicking on the wrong spot on your web page and seeing a Thank You for your order sign, I called you and told you that I had no intention of ordering anything because I cannot afford it. You said the order had already gone out so I could just ship it back within the 90 day guarantee period. It has only been a few weeks since then. No where close to 90 days. Then you debited my debit card again recently even though I had already told you I did not want this stuff and was sending it back. I have got to have that money back to pay my bills. I returned both of your packages today, unopened. I will give you 5 days from today to credit my card. I have decided to not call the FBI if you don’t cooperate. That might take too long. I will instead phone one of my best friends who lives in Jackson, MS. He just retired after 35 years with the CIA, working out of Langley. On one other occasion I had to use his services to win the cooperation of a man who owed me something. If you want to get on his shit list, be my guest. But I hope you don’t. In 5 minutes he will know more about you and your family than you do, and will turn your life into a living hell. It’s your call.


      This is why stupid people shouldn’t breed. At what point did you not realize you were placing your order? Was it when you filled out your ship to info, bill to info, credit card info or when you clicked the FINALIZE ORDER BUTTON!

      You are what’s wrong with this country. You have NO accountability for your actions. If I hear another whining maggot say “I didn’t know” I’m going to puke.

      You never called, you never emailed. You didn’t contact us until we contacted you because your credit card declined. Congratulations you are both stupid and a thief.

      Not only did you take the FREE TRIAL you tried to rip me off in the process.

      But I think what I like most is your statement

      “I will instead phone one of my best friends who lives in Jackson, MS. He just retired after 35 years with the CIA, working out of Langley. On one other occasion I had to use his services to win the cooperation of a man who owed me something. If you want to get on his shit list, be my guest.”

      I may be on his shit list, but you are definitely on a WATCH LIST you crazy shit house rat.

      Again, this is another fine example of a guy who is getting his father to beat me up. I’m sure you have a friend in the CIA, he lives near my old girlfriend from summer camp, the tooth fairy and a unicorn.

      Listen Arch, I can’t make it any plainer. The site and customer service know what they are doing and there are thousands of people who GET IT.

      If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. I’m not putting a gun to your head, but if there was a gun to your head, you would have never quit!


    • #12362

      Hey Archie. So you had a friend who is a CIA and yet he confessed to you that he’s a CIA? Sorry but I always thought that CIA agents always had to keep their status secret from their friends, family, and everyone else they knew.
      [quote:25zi8qsf]In 5 minutes he will know more about you and your family than you do, and will turn your life into a living hell. It’s your call.[/quote:25zi8qsf]
      Let me guess. Your CIA friend also know’s Damian’s favorite color?

      Archie is one person you don’t wanna mess with. It’s easy for him to be brave when he’s at a safe distance.

    • #12363

      Would you believe I haven’t hear from Archie. Oh, wait there’s some one at the door….oh, hi a..well..AAAAHHHHH!!!!! :shock:

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