Weapons Offensive Tactics – The Self Defense Company

Weapons Offensive Tactics

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      You can do all of the dancing you want with a weapon, but to develop skill and power you need to hit something. Properly training how to strike effectively only takes you, your training targets and your weapon of choice. Module 9 shows you exactly how to do just that.

      Moodule 9 includes:

      Single Hand Club strikes (nightstick, pipe, short axe handle)
      1. Horizontal Across
      2. Horizontal Back
      3. Vertical Down
      4. Vertical Up
      5. Diagonally Down Across
      6. Diagonally Down Back
      7. Diagonally Up Across
      8. Diagonally Up Back

      Double Hand Club swings
      1. Horizontal Across
      2. Horizontal Back
      3. Vertical Down
      4. Vertical Up
      5. Diagonally Down Across
      6. Diagonally Down Back
      7. Diagonally Up Across
      8. Diagonally Up Back

      Close quarter, 2-handed Club strikes

      1.Forward cross cut
      2. Pivot cross cut
      3. Forward thrust
      4. Back ward thrust
      5. Figure 4 front thrust
      6. Figure 4 rear thrust
      7. Butt stroke down
      8. Butt stroke up
      9. Figure 4 butt stroke up
      10. Figure 4 butt stroke down
      11. Cross bar upward smash
      12. Cross bar downward smash
      13. Side thrust front
      15. Side thrust rear
      16. Butt strike up

      Club Combinations
      Figure 4 stance
      1. Front thrust (2 times), upward cross bar smash up, downward cross bar smash knee.
      2. Front thrust (2 times), to cross bar drive up and smash down
      3. Rear thrust and pivot, forward butt stroke, side thrust front
      4. Front kick, forward thrust, forward butt stroke (to reverse grip), rear butt stroke, 2 rear thrusts

      Side relaxed stance

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