Welcome to the Insider Training Program – The Self Defense Company

Welcome to the Insider Training Program

Home Forums Welcome to the Legion! Welcome to the Insider Training Program

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    • #10530

      SDC Nation – this is going to change the way we do EVERYTHING.

      I want to Thank Dave Williams for creating this and the SDC Instructors and Legion Members and Affiliates.

      This is truly amazing.


    • #12452
      chris ousley

      Hello. Been a huge fan of the SDC for years now. I love this new concept. Just have a question. If I join the insider, what kind of benefits( if any) come along for certification? I’m very interested in the testing.

    • #12453

      Well, first, you get the TRAINING and Instruction.

      Isn’t that enough?

      Sure you get the Library and you can become certified through LIVE TRAINING with an instructor…but seriously…YOU GET THE SDTS!!!

      You will get course completions when you go through the Modules. But in order to become certified, you need to work with an SDC Instructor.

      Good to see you here Chris, now let’s get you enrolled – time to join the club :D


    • #12459
      chris ousley


    • #12460

      That’s more like it. :D

    • #12613

      Yes, it is truly amazing, a big two thumbs up for the people that
      designed ALL OF THIS, and for the web developer that put it up
      and is keeping it going…

      One question:

      What do you have to do to become a member of the Legion?



    • #12617

      OK. The Legion Members have been kind of replaced by Insiders. We used that term for people who purchased the DVDs. So it’s kind of the same thing.

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