You've got to be f*$king kidding me? – The Self Defense Company

You’ve got to be f*$king kidding me?

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    • #10422

      I cannot actually believe people spend money and waste time attending these seminars. These guys just provide more of a form of retarded entertainment than anything else really. People who pay for and attend this shit are more retarded than the smartest kid with down syndrome because they aren’t really retarded but they choose to indulge themselves with such retarde activities run by other retards such as themselves
      Laugh this shit up. I’d love to fight this guy

    • #11721

      LOL. I posted the SYSTEMA SUCKS post not too long ago.

      Presentation is everything. If these guys were wearing karate uniforms it wouldn’t get ANY recognition.

      But wrap it in camouflage and put it under the “RUSSIAN SPECIAL FORCES” moniker and BAM- it must work!

      This is not different than the death touch bullshit, empty force or whatever martial arts voodoo that’s out there.

      I watch this and am surprised the Rev. Jim Jones didn’t kill more people.


    • #11725

      It just pisses me off that people don’t have commone sense. Get yourself a chinjab and a couple axe hand blows and you’ll be fine.

    • #11727

      It’s a wake up call!!!!! Stop complicating shit to justify your existence. Self defense is simple, not mystical. Eventually they come around if they’re serious and stick with it long enough, go through enough bullshit and come out the other side.

      In the late 80’s everyone wanted to learn Aikijujutsu and Aikido. But when we tried that crap at work…nothing worked!!!

      Personally I relied on wrestling and kick boxing until I found this stuff which literally saved my ass on occasion.

      As long as we keep telling the truth, eventually they will listen. If not, more fodder for the front lines.

      Common sense isn’t very common at all.

    • #11728

      Damian if I’m not mistaken you served in the Army right? Well, ever hear of a combative system called LINE. Linear Infighting Neurological Ingagement, used by the Marines from 89-98 until replaced due to our PC politicians. Now LINE from what I understand was downright ruthless, a art of death

    • #11939

      Hi Human Weapon,

      Line was good from what I hear. We didn’t use the system when I was on active duty but my son did. All the guy’s that I knew from the Marine Corps league (Active Sargent’s Major and First Shirts) Hated the switch to MCMAP. They saw the line method as you kill the enemy and move on to the next one. They see MCMAP as more wrestling than close combat training. I believe Paladin press has a book on the line method. It’s also a great place to get anything Fairbairn. I got to sandan in Oikiru Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu. Damians right, It doesn’t work. The only thing I really have kept from my Aiki days are the entries. Their just angle-in or out side steps. I also still use Ude Furi Undo. You can get behind someone in a heartbeat with that movement and it’s gross motor movement, too. Not bad, huh? Hundreds of dollars and more than a decade for 2 movements. MCMAP is going down the smae old tired road. Semper Fi.

    • #11942

      That’s ” same old tired road “. Sorry. It was a senior moment.

    • #11946

      Yeah MCMAP is an insult to the U.S. Marines. They’re Marines. Not pampered MMA-Wunnabes. Ive seen that shit on the Tube. I was speechless.

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