Does this home invasion dream mean anything significant? – The Self Defense Company

Does this home invasion dream mean anything significant?

Home Forums Tactics and Training Questions Helping Loved Ones Defend and Protect Does this home invasion dream mean anything significant?

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    • #10616
      Dallas Williams

      So a couple of nights ago I had this really fucked up dream where these guys posing as salesmen came to my mom’s front door while I was there and like the trusting soul she is she opened the door and they burst in and one of the guys held my mom at gunpoint and the other guy was holding a knife and came up to me and held me at knifepoint and basically told me they were gonna rape my mom and force me to watch and if I made one move they would kill her while I watched then kill me but in this damn dream I just froze up out of fear not so much for my own well being but out of fear for my mom’s safety if I screwed up fortunately I was able to wake up before anything commenced further but I’ve reinacted a wide variety of home invasion scenarios in my mind and planed and trained how I would react in different situations but does this dream in any way represent how I would react in real life despite all my planning and preparation or just a manifestation of overindulging in too much pizza and booze before bedtime? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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