Knife Work is Messy – The Self Defense Company

Knife Work is Messy

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    • #10725

      I wanted to bring this up and Damian does talk about it. Knife work is very personal and usually when you see knife attacks the one wielding the knife really means to do harm and kill their opponent unless they are trying to intimidate them into giving them money or what ever else.

      Now if we are going to use knives we have to understand it is messy. Stabbing and clashing the body is messy, you have blood all over the place and it is slippery especially if there is a lot of it on the ground. If you stab someone in the abdominal regions you are likely to pierce intestines, and you may see those intestines come out all over the place and it does happen, not to mention the smell involved.

      Also remember that you have to watch bodily fluids with all the diseases around and this is important to think about. I like anyone else here, would only use our knives as a last resort. As a retired Paramedic from Philly I can honestly say that some of the worst damage I have seen done to people is not the car accidents or shootings, but done by knives. I have seen people writhing in pain after being stabbed and laying in their intestines, it kind of stays with you for a long time, so please understand what you may see and have to deal with if using knives.

      I truly hope no one here has to fight at this level, but if you do please be ready for what you will see, hear, and smell. A confrontation like this attacks all of the senses and it is something you will never forget.

    • #13257

      Just on a side note to this topic, this module brought back some memories ,and some things that I have not thought about in years, and if you have dealt with things like this it can be disturbing.

    • #13269

      I know the hunters of the forum can attest to that. Skinning a deer, hog, or whatever is very messy and I can only imagine what it would be like on a human who has been stabbed and slashed a few dozen times. Confused

    • #13272

      Great post Dave and yes, it’s nasty business and like most stuff in the martial arts world is shrouded in fantasy.
      I have literally stood in a lot of “knife fighting” classes that have been more liked dancing than the visceral and septic reality of stabbing another human being.

      The assume you’re just going to stab someone, withdraw the knife and do it again and again.

      They also assume that when you stab someone they will stop fighting and just fall over.

      As you have witnessed the opposite is true.

      To stab someone takes the most nerve and commitment of all the aspects of self defense.

      It’s close, personal and messy.

    • #13538

      I agree with the above posts 100%. This is very messy and nasty and should be trained for with that thought in mind.

    • #13579

      I agree 100% too. I suggest to train mod. 9 adding just a bit of realism, for istance grabbing the knife with stage blood in hands. Also mod 8 could trained in this way.

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