What we do up, we do down... – The Self Defense Company

What we do up, we do down…

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    • #10595
      James Goolsby

      I just finished viewing the Ground Fighting for Keeps Module. Of course, I still have my practice drills to work on, but I thought I would post a comment nonetheless.

      The SDTS just keeps getting better and better with every module. I think the thing that impressed me most with our version of ground fighting is that it is really not, well, ground fighting. What I mean is that that when most people think ground fighting — myself included until now — the first thing that comes to mind is some form of BJJ, or perhaps the more traditional Japanese version. Either way, the assumption is that it consists of all sorts of fancy (translation: complicated) techniques.

      With SDTS ground fighting, other than learning some basic ground positions, i.e. mount, guard, etc., there really is no difference between what we do standing up and what we do on the ground. We still basically just hack and claw our way out of the situation. Of course, there’s a few new things, such as the reverse Japanese and the like, but again, for the most part it is simply all the stuff we’ve been doing throughout mods 1 and 2. Freakin’ brilliant!

      Moreover, a lot of the techniques are instinctual. For example, the defense against a standing opponent with the ground pivot and piston kicks. As funny as this may sound, I actually remember using this very thing in a fight I had… IN THE SEVENTH GRADE! Since I will soon be 45 years old, you can do the math. Now, at that age, did I have anyone teach me that? Nope. Heck, SDTS wasn’t even invented yet. And yet, here I was, naturally falling into this defensive position when a kid much larger than me loomed over head and tried to intimidate me. And that, my friends, is what makes SDTS so damn good. You really don’t have to “learn” anything; most of it is already there inside you. It’s almost as if all Damian has done is label things so when he says, “Today we’re working on X,” we know what X he’s talking about. And I don’t say that to offend him. If anything, that’s what makes him a genius. It’s just so damn natural, and that is the beauty of it.

      All I can say is keep up the good work. Smile

    • #12665

      You got it James oh and BTW, I turned 45 this year. My view on that is if the Spartans trained and served until they were 65, we got a long way to go.

      Happy early birthday [James Goolsby].

    • #12667

      I’m watching mod 3 now and like I stated in a dif post I can really see the holes in grappling now! Most of what I’m noticing are the natural reactions in the movements. Like James I remember a fight when I was in high school an I wound up on the ground below 3 football players and I was instinctively moving in the same way Damion describes and the kicks with the feet. I was able to walk away from that one and even became good friends with one of those guys and we still keep in touch today. Lol. The things we do and learn as kids and not even notice it.

    • #12671
      James Goolsby


      Exactly! That’s what I love about SDTS; it’s just a natural extension of what we instinctually do anyway. Not at all like some of the arts I’ve studied in the past. For example, as beautiful and graceful as Aikido appears in the dojo, I’ve never seen anyone use it in a real life scenario, including my sensei. The one time I saw him in an actual altercation, he reverted back to the ol’ basic lapel grab – throw a right haymaker routine. There is really nothing natural about it — in fact, many of its techniques actually contradict your natural instinct — and when your so-called “primitive” brain kicks in, all that fancy stuff goes right out the window.

      I have studied many systems that talk about “maintaining a clear mind” and staying “relaxed until the point of impact.” Now, while these are of course lofty goals to try to achieve, being in law enforcement I have been in my fair share of scraps and I can tell you that I have never once had a clear mind or was relaxed. Never! When it hits the fan and the adrenaline dumps, your “clear” brain shuts down and you go into fight or flight, and you will be tense; it’s just basic physiology. We call it the “osh-its”, as in, “Oh, Shit, what the…?!?!” Thankfully, SDTS (and its derivatives such as Guardian DT) acknowledges this fact and takes advantage of your natural reactions.

      I may be a bit biased, but as far as I’m concerned it is the perfect system and I, for one, will never use anything else. It would be like giving up filet mignon for a cheap bologna sandwich. Laugh

    • #12680
      James Goolsby

      @Damian Ross said:

      You got it James oh and BTW, I turned 45 this year. My view on that is if the Spartans trained and served until they were 65, we got a long way to go.

      Happy early birthday [James Goolsby].

      Thanks. Still a little early. I don’t hit 45 until April. However, it looks like 2014 is shaping up to be my year. Right now it looks like I will have my birthday, finish my Bachelor’s degree (finally!), and make Corporal in my department all within a month or two of each other. Add that to the fact that I should be (fingers crossed) starting my Instructor certification with you around then as well and, BAM, my life is friggin’ golden! I can’t wait. Smile

    • #12706

      OOh Raahh!!! It anit over until we’re in the box my friend.

    • #13102

      With all above said I fully agree. Ground fighting is not pretty it is sloppy and you do what you have to to get out and up. I have tried the BJJ route, and saw so much because well you are not using all your weapons that you are able to use, besides the ground ain’t comfortable, rods, glass, rots and the rest. What SDTS shows is just plain brutal but that is what a real fight is. Working as a Paramedic in North Philly well I have been in my share of scrape, druggies trying to steal equipment or drug boxes that really do not have enough to get you high, and well they do not attack one on one, so many times my partner was useless, but you do what you have to do, and what I see here is what works and has worked. To me half of the battle is attitude and the attitude to survive and plain aggression, and being willing to do what it takes and use controlled aggression where you do not lose your mind completely

      I will turn 47 in July, but as the boss said it ain’t over until we are in the box.Smile I ain’t going no where anytime soon.

    • #13179

      Great post [David Litts], well said.

    • #13533

      I agree Damian. That was a great post by David.

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