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  • in reply to: #40299


    Strolling thru the forum here for the first time in a couple years.

    First of all, it’s hilarious that the responses on this particular thread appear to be years apart.

    Regardless, this is still an issue which could apply to lots of people. Here’s some ideas of my own which may be useful.

    (1) Inflicting trauma on yourself is going to make you sore. More so if it’s a new kind of trauma, and your body isn’t used to it. Whether it’s running, lifting weights, or hitting shit. With your face. Ok, not with your face.

    But let this just add to the realism. Many many years ago I learned how to correctly punch from my center of gravity on this 100lb heavy bag with a rough fabric of some kind. It felt like sandpaper on my bare fists. It would literally take skin off my knuckles IF I didn’t hit the bag perfectly square. Which was a bitch for awhile. So, there’d be a lot of pain hitting sandpaper with bleeding knuckles. BUT, if I did hit it square there’d be no pain since the force would be directly INTO my fists, with no abrasive force ACROSS my fists. This was only possible by directing every strike from my center of gravity.

    So, pain is a great teacher. And it goes away when you finally learn. I do NOT like, for example, pain killers after surgery because I like to know where my body’s at and how far I can push it. A year ago, I tore my right biceps tendon completely off of my radius bone. It was then surgically reattached and then I rehabbed it myself back to 100% kick ass form again, in spite of the frequent panic attacks of so called medical professionals. So, feeling pain was critical to not destroying my arm.

    Feel the pain. But don’t break anything, obviously. Push it til it hurts, and you’ll get used to it. If you never run and you start running, your lungs really take a beating. But they adapt. Likewise, lifting weights, or stabbing yourself in the balls with a no. 2 pencil.

    You can ice whatever hurts, or submerge it in ice water afterwards if you like. Maybe some contrast hydrotherapy. Hot sink, cold sink. Submerge in hot sink for a few minutes, then go to the cold sink for 30 seconds or a minute. I forget the exact ratios now. But, for example, taking ice cold showers is great. Great for the body, and the mind. That kind of shock forces your mind to focus.

    So, exercise and physical discomfort is GOOD, because these are similar to the discomfort of evil motherfuckers trying to kill you! And a similar kind of focus is needed to subject yourself to pain and keep going. So, training with stress is good. Like, I like to do point shooting gun drills WHILE I’m working out because then you REALLY find out what kinds of grips and shit is gonna work in real life when your body is tired and things are shaking, etc.

    Basically, the point here is that the pain is GOOD. Embrace it and love it. It means you’re still alive. And kicking ass despite it.

    Another point is that the most important aspect of self-defense is really your mindset. Which must be like focused rage really. So, if you feel pain, then you must feel even greater rage. It’s like how I say that the greater the fear, the greater the power. Because a greater focus is needed to surpass the fear and, having surpassed the fear, becomes truly fearsome. And so you learn a singular focus on a single objective. Which is to destroy.

    After all, this is not a game and this is not a workout. You’re preparing to physically destroy the most dangerous threats which you can imagine. Imagine being assaulted by the Navy SEALS. Etc, etc, etc. Whatever. Maybe a really mean koala bear. Meany!

    Imagination is SO critical because you can war game so many things in life, and walk thru entire scenarios in your mind. For lots of things aside from killing Navy SEALs and evil koala bears. And you can find exploits and weaknesses and see angles as if you were really doing it. Imagine building a tree house, or something, and imagine going thru every step, and installing every board. You’ll see all kinds of things. Combine this with your training. In a lot of ways, this is even more effective than the actual training.

    Also, I think using a BOB dummy or similar body shaped striking thingamajig is better in a lot of ways than just a blob of a bag. For example, ax hands on a heavy bag will probably contact far more area of your hand and arm than a guy’s head. At least with a BOB, it’s got a head on it and you get more of a feel for hitting a real humanoid creature.

    But, train with pain. Don’t complain. Use pain as a guide so that you don’t injure yourself, obviously. But allow and embrace some pain because it’s healthy and good, and makes you tougher, not just physically, but mentally as well. It adds stress. Pain and fatigue should be elements of a good workout. These two elements add a nice realism.

    I personally get up and do 15 min of joint mobility, run for 30 minutes, and then do like a 45 minute circuit training/HIIT style body weight workout, and then stretch for like 15 min. But, I like the balance, and it’s applicability to a wide variety of real life things.

    Also, when you’re working out specifically knowing that it will make you for more able to handle a variety of situations, then you take your workouts more seriously. Not just the actual combat drills. But, the running, the pull-ups, etc – all of it. All of it is making you more bad ass. So, I think being as well rounded as possible in your approach is ideal. Like, I mentioned the weaponization of imagination. HUGE. Like multiple angle replays in sports. You can stop, freeze, rotate, game things from every angle imaginable.

    This is also VERY effective BEFORE going into suspect situations. You can run scenarios and see things you never would have seen.

    I could go on. But I’m rambling off topic a bit. But not entirely. Pain is a training aid. It’s not bad. One of many training aids. And if training aids were good enough for Magic Johnson, then heh, man, I’ma get me all the training aids I can.

    Something tough sounding,


    As an addendum, I would add that the philosophical construct of the drop step is equally effective psychologically and emotionally.

    That is, the natural inclination of the individual is to flinch away, or run away, from unpleasant realities, or truths, or realizations, or problems.

    But if you charge into them, you will find them much easier to deal with.


    You know, my favorite part of the whole SDTS “system” is still, and will always be, the drop step.

    When I first saw that described, a light went on, because it was something I already understood instinctively, but seeing it described made it a conscious realization.

    It is also the real “secret” behind SDTS.

    It also makes the debate of hand position irrelevant.

    Why is the drop step the most important thing?

    Well, first, in a high stress, violent situation, if you don’t run away, your instinctive response will be to close distance with your opponent. This is why, for example, guys end up wrestling on the ground, a lot of times.

    In such a situation, you instinctively realize that to maximize the probability of damage to your opponent, you need to be as close to him as possible, for greatest leverage, and to displace his center of gravity with your own.

    Movie fights, or sport fights, at distance aren’t going to happen in life or death situations.

    Very much like sex. You want to be on them hardcore, as soon as possible. You can’t do a whole lot of meaningful damage from a distance.

    The drop step just naturally flows right along with this instinct.

    Second, I would say that when you violently close distance as soon as possible, you will jam and neutralize your opponent’s attacks, even if he’s already in the process of throwing a punch, kick, whatever.

    In other words, if a guy begins to throw a punch, and you simply immediately run into his ass, his punch is useless.

    So, for example, the idea of a “flinch” response is useful if surprised, but you can also “flinch” by stepping INTO whatever is coming at you. If a weapon is involved, then the flinch merely involves a minor deflection enroute to the opponent.

    But, the drop step IS the flinch. It IS the most important thing.

    Thirdly, the drop step is most important, because it delivers to the opponent your most dangerous tool of violence, which is that of YOUR OWN BODYWEIGHT.

    Because, whatever appendage you decide to crush him with, it is your BODYWEIGHT that is doing the real damage. It is your bodyweight that also makes it so much easier.

    Further, if the opponent is already moving to you when you drop step your bodyweight into, say, his throat, then that piece of trash is going down real hard.

    If a guy swings a bat, and you violently charge into it, you’re going to neutralize it.

    And, how hard is it to learn the damn drop step?

    SO simple. So vicious. So easy. Solves SO many problems simultaneously.

    Try to charge a fortune in classes to learn the simple “defense” tactic of running into a guy attacking you.

    The only reason it may seem strange at first, is because you’ll naturally freeze, wanting to run away.

    So, you condition to react INTO the opponent, rather than away.

    You don’t condition a “flinch” response of a static forearm shield. That’s a defensive, losing mindset. Better to combine the dropstep with forearm to the throat. Same movement, except…it’s MOVING INTO the opponent.

    Your mind is the weapon, and your ENTIRE BODY is the tool.

    It’s important to remember that you are smashing your opponent with your ENTIRE BODY. Whatever extension of it happens to hit him is merely a question of convenience and targeting.

    Just a shoulder into his solar plexus, with your ENTIRE BODY, as he’s unloading something will be far from pleasant. And, how hard is that?

    Hell, a 90 lb chick could put me down with that, if I was dumb enough to do that.

    Fourth, the drop step just naturally allows you to crush ankles, insteps, and feet, etc, in that same natural forward movement of your ENTIRE BODY. These are often overlooked, but generally easy to get to when you are MOVING INTO THE OPPONENT.

    The important lesson of the drop step is to MOVE INTO the opponent at all times. INTO, INTO, INTO, INTO, INTO.

    Until he’s dead or you decide to be merciful, because he’s now writhing in pain beneath you, dreading his imminent delivery to the devil.

    If I was training people, we would do nothing but the drop step for an entire day. They’d drop step like five miles, shoving a BOB on a cart all over the place. Because THAT is the foundation.

    Not just physically, but mentally.

    in reply to: This bill is rediculus and wrong on so many levels! #19463

    The real question is what is the agenda to intentionally importing and granting privileged status to subversive populations?

    Who benefits from the downfall of a society? And it’s not the subversive populations, since they will fall with it. They are just the catalyst. The preferential treatment of them by the government is the adjuvant.

    Think of a pyramid. Maybe, say, the one on the back of the dollar. It’s not enough to climb one or two steps up that pyramid and make an observation as to the apparent madness of various policies.

    You have to keep climbing, because there is a strategy at work. There is a science – a precision – behind this. In fact, historically, what you’re seeing has been repeated ad nauseum to bring down countries.

    Russian, Germany, South Africa, Arab Spring, Ukraine, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc….European Union…..America

    This strategy is repeated almost identically every time. It’s a play in the play book.

    It’s easy to call a situation crazy and insane, and so forth, but we must look deeper. Because it’s not crazy and insane from the objective of the strategists. It’s cold, calculated and, yes, incredibly evil.

    And, if people don’t looker deeper, and respond to what guys way above top secret call “core reality” then people will be played. Their response IS part of the calculation.

    Problem. Reaction. Solution. Don’t let your reaction be the reaction that they have anticipated.

    Look deeper.

    Much deeper.

    in reply to: What is the best protein powder to take? #19462

    Whey protein.

    BUT: Damn near all of them have artificial – read, poisonous chemical weapons – ingredients in them, such as sucralose (Splenda), aspartame (thanks, Donald Rumsfeld), and on and on.

    You want a whey protein that’s got natural ingredients, preferably cold processed, derived from grass fed, non steroid freak cows, etc.

    If you don’t know what an ingredient is, then look it up. Then ask yourself why these companies aren’t being prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

    The supplement and bodybuilding industry is no better. You’d think that a demographic of ostensible health freaks would run these criminal corporate supplement pushers out of business by not buying their weapons of mass infertilization, cancer, dementia, alzheimers, autism, and so forth.

    I’m not sure what’s available in what stores in your area. I use a natural whey protein, with some added digestive enzymes.

    Whatever you are considering buying, read the ingredients. Know what each of them are.

    The only way to beat the system is to not participate. Defund the criminals. Buy quality stuff.

    in reply to: Is Studying Martial Arts A Waste Of Time? #17970

    I don’t think studying anything is a waste of time. Provided you have a questioning, testing mindset.

    The problem, increasingly, with people is that they want some formula handed to them on a plate. I call it intellectual welfare.

    From what I understand, most of these martial arts originated as actual combat solutions, but specifically tailored to unique combat environments which may not fully encapsulate what you may face.

    But, we have to focus on the big picture, which is killing another human being as efficiently as possible. With whatever means are available. Period. That’s it.

    Not hurting them; killing them. It’s easier to back yourself down from killing than to amp yourself up from sport, or sparring, or whatever.

    Additionally, basic principles apply, but I would expect thinking human beings to evaluate what ideas will work best for them.

    I wouldn’t expect someone else to fight exactly like me. A Porsche and an F-150 have to obey the same principles to operate, but their capabilities are vastly different. Would you “train” them both identically?

    Of course not. You must take in all ideas, and tailor them to your own unique, lovable self.

    This also applies to shooting, where I find damn near all of the training to be bizarre and useless in an actual gunfight. I pretty much violate all their little rules. But, it works for me. Maybe the next guy likes something different, and it’s more comfortable for him.

    Whatever will enable you to kill an evil predator, if need be, is all that matters.

    I keep telling people to think big picture (killing) and then work backwards to specific techniques. Don’t learn a bunch of cute crap, and then lose your mind in a maze under pressure.

    Killing efficiently. That’s the endgame. How you do it is up to you.

    Think. For. Yourself.

    Or, you’re probably going to be trained into a casket. Because, even if you’re actually being trained in a useful way, if you’re not CONSCIOUSLY evaluating it against reality, and making it your own, you’re not going to grasp the significance of it to its fullest extent.

    Even with SDTS, some techniques you will naturally prefer over others. It’s not a formula; it’s the rough framing on your own individual house.

    Seriously, maybe you just really dig small axes made from single pieces of steel, and wanna carry that around. And, if you know you’re going into a particularly dangerous environment, you can outfit yourself with weapons fitting that environment, that don’t appear to be weapons.

    I love Home Depot. You talk about an arsenal. I’m pretty sure you don’t need a black belt to operate a chainsaw. Or the other 2.5 million weapons you could produce or procur from there. I’m a big fan of things that can be used as weapons, that aren’t specifically weapons.

    I would never carry cute little hideaway knives, cuz if I got frisked that would be obvious. I consider my conscious creativity to be the real weapon.

    Evil is similarly creative. It understands from the start that it has to operate black, and in the shadows, and beneath the radar. By its very nature, you won’t see it coming.

    Unless…you first imagine it coming. It takes the imagination of a good detective to solve a clever crime. It takes the imagination of a clever crook to execute that crime.

    Reality is first imagined. And, then manifested. Your real focus should be on imagining.

    For example, my imagination has led me to realize that all these guys who teach about home defense and security are, at best, only helping you to maybe defend your home against basically your average home invader.

    But, in my mind, I imagine the worst case scenario. Martial law. A chopper overhead. A drone over the chopper. Sniper coverage. A 4-8 man team coming in doors and windows. Armored personnel carriers. Body armor. Grenades. Gas. Heartbeat sensing technology. Etc, etc.

    Now, if you can prep for that, then your average invader is going to enter a really freaky level of hell, if they make it in.

    I think about trapping invaders. Decoy safes. Fall away floors. Collapsing staircases. All types of weird stuff that would be tough to find in a book or program.

    Because I imagine weird ass stuff. Then I imagine the worst case scenario. Every countermeasure has failed. I’ve been captured or wounded. Guys are attaching electrical apparatus to various body parts. Whatever.

    By doing this, I’m gaming it, and I’m also psychologically hardening myself. I don’t avoid worst case. I embrace it head on. Just thinking about it puts me in a real dangerous place. The place you want to be, if it comes to that.

    I’ve always said that the most elegant, highest realization of security is prepared for the full compromise of itself. Because all preparations and systems can and will fail. There is no impregnable fortress. No fighter who can’t be beaten. No man who can’t be killed.

    So, above all, imagine death. And embrace it. And turn fear itself into your “combat trigger.”

    My point is just to maximize your individual consciousness as an awake, thinking human being. Your only weapon is your mind. Period. Everything happens in there.

    Because you’re the good guy, you’re already operating from a position of moral strength and superiority. And, you can build upon that foundation to ensure that, if nothing else, you will be exponentially tougher and more vicious than any opponent. Because they won’t be attacking you if they’re not evil. No honorable person has any reason to assault me.

    I may sound insane, but only because I understand that nature of evil, and I am prepared to laugh in its dark face, as its world collapses.

    There is a devil. Now, just…imagine…that everything that is good and honorable and beautiful and decent – the devil wants to do the exact opposite. Consider the implications of that.

    I guaran-frickin-tee you that there is no evil we could imagine that isn’t ALREADY being done right now, somewhere. If you can imagine it, it’s possible. Therefore, it’s a realistic option.

    And, observing the world, it’s not going to get better before it gets far worse.

    You should train for the most sadistic, evil, and well-trained, most technologically advanced opponent. If you’re mentally prepared for that…

    The gang member in the alley will be a cockroach you merely step on and keep walking.

    Imagine a team of special forces trained cartel members invading a quiet ranch, tying up the family members, and performing Satanic ritual executions in the most horrific manners. And, it can get even worse than that.

    Do such people exist? Of course they do. Oh, and by the way – we have no southern border. The dangerous potential of the evil you may face is skyrocketing by the hour. Literally.

    But then again, so is mine. And, so should yours. Keep THAT picture in your mind, whatever training you’re evaluating.



    In truth, everything sucks, on the wrong person, on the wrong day.

    The body is not just a physical machine. It is animated by spiritual, or extradimensional, power. Human beings are capable of literal superhuman feats. For good, or for evil. But, you don’t even have to be superhuman to be just really damned determined.

    So, cultivating your own fierce measure of determination to it’s highest level of raging thermonuclear wrath is critical. You do this by the ongoing task of purging the moral compromise from your everyday, mundane life. So that when and if you meet your opposite in evil, you can crush him by whatever means happen to be available.

    We must always think big picture, not small tool.

    It is a mistake to place one’s faith in absolutely anything besides the justice of your cause. That may sound trite or whatever, but it’s the truth. Because, there are no guarantees. None, except who sorts us all out in the end.

    If you come to favor a gun, or a particular weapon, or a certain technique, etc…you have put yourself in a dangerous place. The only weapon you have is your mind. The only power you have is your cause.

    From there, anything can be used as a tool of destruction. Literally anything.


    If the client did that to someone, I would let the client secure himself. Actually, no, I’d personally break his face. Believe me, that’s actually smart crowd control, when they watch justice administered immediately. It would take me about one second, tho I’d prefer a couple hours in an abandoned basement – because anything longer would incite a riot, and also the unprincipled nature of the band members and other security mercenaries – then back to the crowd. Extremely quick and decisive, with no space for reaction from anyone. “Yes, he’s a piece of shit. I’ll be quitting this job. But let’s not get anyone else fucked up over this turd.” Following orders has never been my excuse.

    I would have made it clear beforehand, tho, just what I expected of the client, and what he could expect of me. But, then again, I would never work for someone like that – now, anyway – because I’d already know he was a sack of filth.

    Especially, when behind the scenes with a lot of these celebrities – some of these people, and even many, are extremely deranged and literal Satanists. Thanks, but not.

    I would imagine, having never worked security for celebrities, that one would have a decision to make if you found yourself defending the wrong side of the moral compass. For me, that decision would be easy.

    I could only work security for folks I personally respected, and trusted not to put me on the wrong side of God, if you will. Otherwise, they’d find themselves trying to secure me. And failing badly.

    I once worked security at a strip club just outside of Detroit. A real cesspool, and not one of my finer jobs. Actually, the only job with more degenerate human debris floating around was the mortgage brokerage I worked for. Literally.

    They all thought I was an undercover cop, because I was strictly professional, didn’t go near the strippers, and generally barely masked my contempt for them. At one point, they had me cornered in the boss’s office, grilling me, and I was startin to feel real alive, if you know what I mean.

    I strangely feel most relaxed and at home in those situations, facing degenerates, knowing I’m right, and knowing that there’s two ways to meet Jesus.

    The boss kept offering me liquor during this little convo, and I kept telling him I don’t drink. And made a point of smiling at each one of those sacks of manure. Nothing happened tho. One side of me always wishes it would, in those situations. But, I think people pick up on that.

    This was the type of place where at a certain time they’d lock the doors, and different strippers would eat each other out on stage, which was illegal in this particular area. The lame excuse that I needed the money was the one I used, sad to say.

    Now, I work for myself. I’ve never worked for a company I respected, unfortunately. I’m no saint, and working for myself has definitely and exponentially increased my people skills, but I do have a sense of honor and basic decency. Which is probably one reason I’m backed up with referrals. I don’t advertise anymore. Haven’t in over a year and a half.

    Same reason I couldn’t be a soldier. I respect the actual soldiers – the ones who aren’t gang bangers, anyways, – but I ain’t dying for some corporation, under the banner of “freedom.” No country has ever fought a war for anything besides greed.

    So, when it comes to security, you gotta ask just what, exactly, are you securing? No way in hell I could be some lackey for some celebrity clown who I didn’t respect as a human being. The others I would make it real clear what would happen if they violated MY ethics. I’m securing justice, and so long as they’re on the right side of it, then everything will be fine.

    Otherwise, it ain’t.

    That’s why I don’t think of self defense as SELF defense. It’s simply…Securing Justice.


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