What are you grateful for? Check your grateful list....

What are you Grateful for?

What are you Grateful for?

The Grateful List

When times get a little tough, remind yourself of what matters in your life – why are you doing this…WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR – who do you want to defend and protect?

This is my “Grateful” list…

I’m grateful for my family and friends.

Without their love and support, nothing would be worth doing.


I’m grateful for my country.

That gave my immigrant ancestors the ability to join something larger than themselves and to allow me to live the life I have.


I’m grateful for my community.

That has provided me a safe place to raise my family, allowed me to protect their homes and coach their children.


I’m grateful for all the men and women who serve and protect.

Anyone who runs towards danger when others escape – who protects the very way of life we enjoy.


I’m grateful for the Self Defense Company Instructors.

Ambassadors of the SDTS and the truth about self defense – who perpetuate the legacy that others have given us and who help friends, family and their communities stay safe.


I’m grateful for the Self Defense Company Training Members.

Without you, there is no ME. Thank you for taking that step by joining us. I’m for ever grateful.




I’m grateful for the haters. 

Yes, thanks to all who challenge me, question my position and my credibility. You force me to fight, keep me in the game and help me to become a better person.


Thank you for visiting.


PS. Please feel free to post your good wishes and something your grateful for below.

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Published by Damian (Instructor)

Founder, The Self Defense Company

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  1. I am grateful to God and the Archangels, who are always nearby. We are never alone, they are there to help out when you question your ability to rise to the occasion or confrontation. If you think you cannot handle something alone that you are facing, remember you are not alone. It started when Goliath was messing with David and the little boy conquered a big, evil brute, remember that and be thankful.

  2. I am Thankful For your Company that has a System to teach me not to take abuse from Family members. Happy Thanksiving

  3. I am a political refugee from the 1956 Hungarian Revolution against the Soviet forces. I’m grateful to be alive, I’m heartfelt for being accepted into the American Family, I’m grateful for all the opportunities this wonderful country gave me. I’m grateful for a President who works as hard as he does, the love He has for this country. There is a lot I could say about the communist Democratic Party and their anti American activities, but this is a thankfulness comment. I am an American, NOT a Hungarian-American,
    This is my country, and I would put my life on the line for her as I did for my birth country. And I am thankful that I could still do it.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful that I was born in Finland, the greatest and coldest country in the world!

  5. i could laundry list all the things i’m thankful for for days. so, to simply sum up, i am thankful for my life. its struggles, accomplishments, connections and relationships that have both challenged me and forced growth. my life has given solid proof that every day is a blessing not to be taken for granted. i’m thankful for being blessed with a healthy family. thankful for finding this community, thankful for the sdts, thankful for the sheep dogs…soo much gratefulness

  6. Hi, I have dual citizenship, U.S. & Canadian. I was born in Newark N.J. when my father was working for the international division of a bank. Both my significant other & I have many relatives in the U.S.A. Together we have 16 children, 29 grand children & soon to be 4 great grand children. I saw you in your turn out gear in the photo above. I retired as a Captain on a professional city Fire Dept. and 2 of my sons followed me. I was also a volunteer on a small town Fire Dept. I taught my 7 children how to protect themselves and it has served them well. 2 of my daughters have traveled extensively overseas and I used your videos to teach them. I am thankful that Canada and the U.S. are such great friends. John

  7. I am grateful of being in good health and good mental and physical shape. I am grateful that my mom is also healthy. I am grateful that I have a job. I am grateful that I have a house to live in and food to eat. I am grateful of feeling useful to others.

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